Hypnosis and healing with Stephanie Dalfonzo

Law of Attraction – in action!

starting the day with law of attraction

Law of Attraction – in action!

My son, who all throughout his high school years referred to me as his “Woo woo crack pot mom” became a believer in what I do when he was desperate enough that he tried one of the techniques I use with clients.

We were so surprised when he graduated Virginia Tech with honors, but no job.  After a few discouraging months job hunting, he was desperate enough to ask me for help.  I shared with him why affirmations don’t work:  when part of us knows it’s not true, it pushes back against the statement.  Afformations do work!  Noah St. John’s book opened me to the understanding that, rather than stating something untrue, when we form it as a question, our mind can go out in the world and perform a search (much like a Google search!)

Greg wrote:  “Why is it so easy for me to find the perfect job”  And so it is!  Thank you!  Thank you!! Thank you!!”  The way I do the process ends there.  But Greg went on to list out all the reasons WHY it was so easy.  Sure enough within 2 weeks, he had the perfect job!

When he first accepted the job and we were talking budget, etc., I mentioned that in addition to being open to a roommate, ideally I’d love to see him find an older couple who might rent out part of their home.

We arrived down in Marathon, in the Florida Keys to a horrendous rental market-everyone saying there is nothing available. We looked at the 2 that were available: one was a HOVEL (I told him I could not allow him to live there) and another was not great, but livable, but way too much $$ and my husband and I would have to supplement. I was beside myself with despair and kept praying and saying my Afformations and Greg did too. The next night, he received a message in reply to his Craigslist ad. He moved in with an older couple into their mansion on a canal with a swimming pool and an elevator for a price within his budget!!

I, who have been practicing the Law of Attraction for decades, am still simply stunned and incredibly Grateful!  I share this with you to remind you that the Law of Attraction is not just a good idea, but the LAW of Attraction!!  My son, who used to call me a “woo woo crackpot” understands and believes in the power of the Law of Attraction and Afformations!

I’ll share more about Afformations®  and how they played into this in another blog.  If you don’t want to wait, you can check out Noah St. John’s “Afformations” book here.

And if you’d like to learn more about the Law of Attraction click here.

Do you have a story about the Law of Attraction? I’d love to hear it – please share in the comment section below.

Are you ready to experience freedom from the past and embrace what’s possible? Click here for a free 15 minute consultation.




2 thoughts on “Law of Attraction – in action!”

  1. Pingback: Your Money Fear Is Keeping You Broke | Stephanie Dalfonzo

  2. Pingback: WHEN SUFFERING KNOCKS ON YOUR DOOR | Stephanie Dalfonzo

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