Hypnosis and healing with Stephanie Dalfonzo

Shift Your Mindset: How to Kick Limiting Beliefs to the Curb

Learn practical methods to banish limiting beliefs, enhance positivity, and drive personal success.

Shift Your Mindset: How to Kick Limiting Beliefs to the Curb

Learn practical methods to banish limiting beliefs, enhance positivity, and drive personal success.

Stop Right There! Your Thoughts Aren’t Serving You

Imagine this: your mind is a bustling highway with about 60,000 vehicles zooming through each day. That’s how many thoughts flash across your consciousness, racing all the way from morning to midnight.

Now, here’s the interesting part—a staggering 90% of these thoughts are carbon copies of the ones you had yesterday! This observation comes from Stanford psychologist Dr. Fred Luskin, who underscores just how predictable our thinking can be.

 Take a moment to let that sink in.

If these recurring thoughts are positive and uplifting, then you’re in good hands (or minds, rather). They propel you forward, reinforce your self-belief, and motivate you to conquer new challenges. However, what happens when the thoughts stuck on repeat are less helpful and more harmful?

Think about it:

  • “I’m not good enough.”

  • “I don’t deserve this.”

  • “I’ll never get what I want.”

  • “I’m not successful enough.”

  • “I’m not ___.”

Filling in those blanks with negative self-talk not only becomes a habit but a rather sticky one at that. These limiting beliefs can entrench themselves so deeply that they feel like truths, making it seem near impossible to switch your mental gears.

Breaking the Pattern

Still, there’s good news! That stubborn cycle of negativity CAN be disrupted. With intention and a simple strategy, you can steer your thoughts into a more empowering lane.

Let’s say you’re on a journey to lose 50 pounds (like I was.) Each day, you might catch yourself glancing in the mirror and hearing that all-too-familiar voice saying, “I’m so fat, I’ll never lose weight.” It’s time to halt that train of thought with a tool that’s both readily available and entirely within your control.

Your Simple Strategy to Quiet Limiting Beliefs

Imagine raising your hand—in the universal gesture of a stop sign—as soon as this thought occurs. You confidently say, “Cancel that!” Then, you gently guide your inner voice to a new perspective. Instead of claiming an untruth like “I’m already at my ideal weight,” which you inherently don’t believe, reframe your thought as follows:

“I’m unhappy with my weight right now. But I know I can make healthier choices to get where I want to be.”

Notice how this reworded mantra feels not only gentler but profoundly more empowering? It acknowledges your current truth while opening a door to change. By affirming your capability to make better choices, you invite growth and progress, not perfection.

Over time, with dedication and repetition, this practice can become a new habit. Your inner critic will lose its commanding voice, turning instead into a quiet observer. Your confidence will grow, nurtured by thoughts that uplift rather than undermine.

In the ever-busy highway of the mind, you hold the power to be both the traffic controller and the driver, directing each ‘vehicle’ of thought to where it serves you best. Embrace this strategy, and watch as each day becomes an opportunity to rewrite the narrative in the best way possible.


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