Amazon books on anxiety- there are a lot of them, so how do you choose?
“Goodbye Anxiety, Hello Freedom®” debuted on on March 13, 2018. It was briefly in the #1 Bestseller spot!
Also in April, I had my first TV appearance to promote my new book on Good Morning CT with Jocelyn Maminta. CLICK HERE to watch.
‘This book literally “birthed” out of me. Born out of my own lifelong struggle with anxiety, My 20 plus years of researching holistic, natural and scientifically proven skills and techniques to overcome anxiety came tumbling out: from the whisper of “it’s time to write the book” to publication was only two months!
I include 35 different skills and techniques to overcome anxiety — not that you need to learn all of them. However, I include so many different options because I know that “one size does NOT fit all!”. I invite the reader to peruse the options, find three or four that feel right to them and then begin using them on a daily basis.
I’m very clear that, just like when we learn any new skill, it takes repetition (and lots of it) to build up these new emotional resilience skills.
If you’d like to get started now, CLICK HERE to learn five breath techniques to calm anxiety.
You can find a lot of Amazon books on anxiety. I picked up one that was over 500 pages!!! That’s enough to cause all out panic for someone looking for anxiety relief! As one reader shared about “Goodbye Anxiety, Hello Freedom®”, “This little book is filled with easy, manageable things you can do every day or as needed to reduce stress and live a calmer, happier and more peaceful life.”
I am excited to announce my “Buy a book, donate a book” initiative! Stay tuned for details – it is going to be life changing!
Looking for more help than a book? CLICK HERE to learn more about working with me.