Hypnosis and healing with Stephanie Dalfonzo

Scientifically-Backed Ways To Reduce Stress & Anxiety

We are all looking for ways to reduce stress.  Many times when I see a headline like this, I am disappointed because they don’t mention self hypnosis. But this one does! This great article from Huffington Post doesn’t mention hypnosis till #14 (and of course I would move it up to #1!), but they link to a research study favorable to hypnosis for stress relief.

Stress Reduction

Stress reduction is at the heart of every client I work with. There have been so many research studies that show what a horrible impact stress can have on our health. When a client learns self hypnosis, EFT/Tapping, guided meditation, doTERRA essential oils, color and sound therapy and other techniques , they are empowered to be able to lower their stress , get rid of anxiety and make lasting changes.

What holistic ways can I reduce stress and anxiety?

I am a teacher at heart — I teach each and every client how to manage stress and anxiety using a unique combination of hypnosis, EFT/Tapping, meditation, doTERRA essential oils, color and sound therapy and other techniques.

There has been much research that clearly show the role that stress plays in compulsive behaviors (including overeating and smoking) as well as countless illnesses. When a client learns how tomanage and reduce stress,many other issues become manageable or non-existent. In today’s busy world, the stress reduction techniques I teach are invaluable! Whether I am assisting someone to quit smoking, lose weight, get rid of anxiety and stress, overcome fears and phobias, sleep better; it all starts with stress reduction techniques including self hypnosis.

I have my own ways in addition to using the tools/techniques that I use with my clients: I walk every morning with my sweet dog Maggie and I practice yoga 4 – 5 times per week. I’d love to hear from you what you do to reduce your stress. Send me an email now to let me know!

Are you ready to experience freedom from the past and embrace what’s possible? Click here for a free 15 minute consultation.

Have a GREAT less-stressed day!



BTW, one last tip to help you reduce stress and anxiety?  Smile and laugh!  Even if you have to fake it!  I practiced “laughter yoga at Kripalu once and it was wonderful.  Even though we started out “fake” laughing, soon enough we couldn’t help ourselves and couldn’t stop laughing!

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