Say Goodbye to Anxiety
This weekend officially ushers in fall and I am trying to squeeze in every drop of gorgeous weather I can!
Mindfulness Practices for Back to School
3 Simple Mindfulness Practices for Back to School Mindfulness practices are probably not the first “assignments” you think of when
Surviving the empty nest after dropping your kid at college
The empty nest – You knew it was coming, but it’s completely overwhelming! You knew when you dropped your kid
Top 10 Overcoming Anxiety Quotes
Overcoming anxiety takes more than just reading a few simple quotes – and yet, when you have these simple gems
Stress and the News -What You Don’t Need to Know
STRESS AND THE NEWS A recent survey from the American Psychological Association reported that 56% of those surveyed said that news causes them
What is the Definition of Anxiety?
“I define anxiety as experiencing failure in advance.” ~Seth Godin What is the definition of anxiety? “I define anxiety as experiencing
How to Build Emotional Resiliency and say Goodbye Anxiety, Hello Freedom
Emotional Resiliency What IS “emotional resiliency”?” I’ve spent more than 20 years researching holistic and natural approaches to anxiety. I’ve
Amazon books on anxiety
Amazon books on anxiety- there are a lot of them, so how do you choose? “Goodbye Anxiety, Hello Freedom®” debuted
Disappointed, Now What? Freak Out or Maintain Emotional Balance?
I was so disappointed: exactly one week after my book “Goodbye Anxiety, Hello Freedom” was published, I got the ultimate